
  • WHAT WE ARE Gyrl Wonder is a professional pipeline 501c3 initiative giving rise to ambitious women of color between the ages of 17 - 23. Our mission is to empower through social impact and career development while producing incredible and quality talent who are ready to take their careers to the next level. We serve as an incredible asset to businesses looking to diversify their entry-level talent pool as our programs equip young women with the tools necessary to become the leaders of tomorrow.

  • WHO WE SERVE Gyrl Wonder equips the young woman who has found her passion with the toolkit necessary to turn her interests into a career. We work with our incredible brand partners to provide support through entry-levels career opportunities. Through these partnerships, our young women receive career guidance and access to resources that help propel them into the profession of their dreams.

  • HOW WE SERVE Through our programming, community service, mentorship, and flagship initiative, the Gyrl Wonder Leadership Academy, we introduce our young gyrls to purposeful exploration that is aligned with their passions and skillsets. We offer internship placement for our college girls, career development for our recent college graduates and resume and interview preparedness workshops to all!